Welcome to the AVA Group room here at the Munich Show 2023.
This year we’re displaying a full Signature line setup, including the upgraded SD-025 and the upgraded SM-103 MKII.
Vitus Audio SM-103 MKII
So ever since we introduced the Mark I versions many years ago, we’ve learned a lot. And we’ve taken that technology and we’ve incorporated that into the new versions that kind of separates the music from the noise floor. It helps with soundstage and helps with the details and all the refinements there is in the music.
Vitus Audio SD-025
For the SD-025 we’ve upgraded the streaming board mainly. We’ve improved a few things here and there, but it’s mainly the streaming board that allows us to be Roon certified. It allows us to work with gigabit network connections so you can really use the data transfer. So we have been able to cure ourselves for many years to come with the technology that we are incorporating, especially in the SD-025.
Room ambiance
So this year at the show we are playing through Reels2Reels, we are playing records and we are also playing CDs and streaming. We really changed the whole atmosphere in the room. We contacted Art Novion to have a room built in the room basically. We’re incorporating Philips Hue lights so we can set the atmosphere. We can get it very dark, very tone, we can have it very bright. It really depends on the mood that we are trying to set. One thing is the music, another thing is the ambiance you have around you and really plays into how you perceive everything and how you listen.
More details on the Vitus Audio and Alluxity websites.