The Beethoven II designed by Cessaro improves their Beta II in every area and can only be compared with their Gamma II model. The difference is, that the Beethoven II has a built-in frontloaded horn instead of an external backloaded horn concept. As of now it‘s also available with their new Cessaro composite horns. The Beethoven II is a design-sculpture with high-tech technology inside to experience music how it‘s meant to be.

5-way horn loudspeaker system
- 1) Bass: Four 16″ bass TAD Alnico drive units in total for driving the frontloaded bass horn. The entire bass section is driven by four special solidstate power amps with huge 1200 W transformers each.
- 2) Low-Mid: spherical composite horn with a bespoke papercone driver and Alnico magnets.
- 3) Midrange: spherical composite horn with a 2″ TAD TD-4001 compression driver and beryllium diaphragm.
- 4) Treble: Spherical composite horn with a 1″ TAD TD-2001 or TD-2002 compression driver and beryllium diaphragm.
- 5) Super-Treble: Cessaro milled brass horn and modified TAD ET-703 compression driver with cobalt magnet and beryllium diaphragm

TAD drivers with their beryllium diaphragm offer the benefit to react twice as fast as other diaphragm materials. Also it is light and stable like no other material. Because of the rapidity acoustical details can be reproduced, that couldn’t be heard otherwise. Speakers with beryllium diaphragm also react significantly more impulsive.