At CES 2025 Samsung Electronics introduced its new AI platform it’s calling Samsung Vision AI. The platform integrates artificial intelligence into Samsung’s screen lineup, aiming to “transform televisions and monitors from passive entertainment devices into adaptive, intelligent companions.” The company also announced a range of new products, including the flagship Neo QLED 8K QN990F TV (available in 65 to 98-inch screen sizes) and The Frame Pro, all designed to provide personalized and connected living experiences.
Flagship model
The Neo QLED 8K QN990F is Samsung’s flagship model, featuring a slim design and an NQ8 AI Gen3 processor. Its AI capabilities include proprietary 8K upscaling, frame-by-frame HDR remastering, adaptive sound, colour boosting, and an AI Mode that optimizes picture and sound based on screen content. Samsung is also offering a Wireless One Connect Box for the QN990F, which allows for a clutter-free setup by working wirelessly up to 10 meters away.
“Samsung sees TVs not as one-directional devices for passive consumption but as interactive, intelligent partners that adapt to your needs,” said SW Yong, President and Head of Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “With Samsung Vision AI, we’re reimagining what screens can do, connecting entertainment, personalization, and lifestyle solutions into one seamless experience to simplify your life.”
Smart companions
Samsung says with Vision AI its screens will be transformed into smart companions that “enhance entertainment, simplify interactions, and seamlessly integrate into connected lifestyles.”
In collaboration with Microsoft, Samsung announced new Smart TVs and Smart Monitors featuring Microsoft Copilot. This partnership will enable users to seamlessly search for relevant information about on-screen content using a remote control or voice commands, and to explore a wide range of Copilot services, including personalized content recommendations, accessible through the screen.
Samsung’s Neo QLED 8K QN990F features
- 8K AI Upscaling Pro: Elevates lower-resolution content up to stunning 8K quality, ensuring incredible detail and clarity in every frame.
- Auto HDR Remastering Pro: Analyzes content frame by frame, applying scene-adaptive color expansion for lifelike visuals and vibrant colours, even in dark scenes.
- Adaptive Sound Pro: Uses AI to separate and optimize sound components like speech, music, and sound effects, delivering clear, balanced audio.
- Colour Booster Pro: Enriches color expression with AI-driven scene analysis and enhanced image processing for each frame.
- AI Mode: Adaptively optimizes picture and sound leveraging AI-based content recognition and TV area analysis for an optimal viewing experience in any setting.
Samsung also announce The Frame Pro TV, which adds Neo QLED mini-LED tech to The Frame range that previously used on edge-lit QLED displays. The Frame Pro also adds a Wireless One Connect external connection box, meaning all you need is a power cord to operate The Frame Pro when it’s hug on a wall. All your peripherals, including set-top box, connect into the wireless external streaming box, which can be place anywhere within 33 feet of the TV (including inside a cabinet), and the video is beamed in 4K 144Hz over to the TV.