It has already been three years since Vertere released their spectacular Dynamic groove a.k.a. DG-1 record player. Despite the fact that the DG-1 is sill excellent, it is time to introduce to you its new and improved succesor. The DG-1S. Now I can already hear you thinking “What does that S stand for?”. What about finding that out together?
S for … Groove Runner?
Well it turns out that “S” doesn’t really stand for anything at all. It is a reference to the Groove Runner S tonearm the record players uses. The arm beam is now constructed with two five-layer polymer laminates. The PCB signal carrier is bonded in between those. This coupled with better bearings for the tonearm make it very, very precise.
Magical Motor
The motor is the most important part of any truntable. Thus DG-1S uses the most advanced moter drive Vertere has to offer. It is a low voltage 24- pole design, individually tuned for the lowest noise an with offboard power supply. Furthermore, during production the motor is controlled by individual microprocessors to ensure accuracy and programmability for the future.
For more information check out this DG-1S page, to order find a retailers close to you and to learn more about Vertere take a look at their website.